The era is from “GAFA” to “MATANA”

【Big Tech, a driving force in the global economy, is changing from “GAFA” to “MATANA”.】


・As the four largest tech companies, “GAFA” reigned as the top runner of high-tech companies, but after 2023, it will be the era of “MATANA”!


・All of these companies have high growth potential and are also closely related to seasonal economic themes such as DX and artificial intelligence, and investors are interested in these companies.

・Is Facebook’s exclusion from G.A.F.A. because investors are skeptical about the growth potential of the “metaverse” investment and the market growth that the company is pursuing?



The above is a quote from the article




As times change, so do the powerful.


Since about the end of last year, I have been seeing the letters MATANA. It seems that some people in the U.S. are saying, “GAFA is already old.



Microsoft is leading the ChatGPT, which is a hot topic right now, and NVIDIA produces the majority of the semiconductors that power AI, smartphones, and many other technologies.

So it makes sense that two companies, Microsoft and NVIDIA, would be featured.

TESLA is doing very well in many ways, but just recently, we have received a bit of cloudburst information.


【The EU, which had planned to effectively ban sales of gasoline-powered vehicles, will allow them after 2035 with conditions.】


Thus, the EU recently changed its policy. Could this be a slightly unpleasant development for TESLA, which is selling electric vehicles?

If gasoline-powered cars are allowed in the future (after 2035), Toyota and other Japanese automakers will see hope, but it does not look like it will be that easy.

This is because the fuel for gasoline-powered vehicles that will be allowed after 2035 is e-fuel, a synthetic fuel with a low environmental impact. Currently, the price is two to five times that of regular gasoline.


It’s kind of unrealistic in a lot of ways here, too.^^;


The EU agreed to 2022, and now it will be changed in a little more than a year, so there is a possibility that it will be changed more and more in the future.(Russia, though, is largely affected by energy issues due to the Ukraine conflict.Tokyo has also declared that it will be gasoline-free by 2030, but what will they do about it?)


Well, even this MATANA story could have a different acronym in years to come.(In fact, it was said that around 2021, MT SAAS would be next in line after GAFA. M=Microsoft、T=Twillio、S=Salesforce、A=Amazon、A=Adobe、S=Shopify)


This is how big things, many things, change with the times.


It may not be direct, but it will go around and relate to us, so let’s keep an eye on it.


See you then.


I wonder if Japanese companies will ever be named in such acronyms again…




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