It is now scientifically clear that there is a motivational switch. Imagine a future that utilizes it.

【Identify muscle proteins that stimulate the desire to exercise. The more you exercise, the more you want to keep exercising.】


A new study published in Science Advances (August 14, 2024) reveals that a muscle protein that kicks in during exercise appears to be the “motivation switch” for exercise.

・A team from the National Cancer Center in Spain exercised mice to see what happens when their muscles repeatedly and violently contract.

・They found that two proteins, p38α and p38γ, were activated.

When p38γ is activated, another motivational switch called interleukin-15 (IL-15) (also a protein) is created.

When IL-15 increases in the bloodstream, it acts directly on the motor cortex of the brain, making it want to exercise more.

Humans, like mice, have been shown to activate the p38 protein in their muscles, which increases IL-15 in the blood


These are the quotes from the article





A motivational switch that exists scientifically. What would the future look like if we utilized it?


Do you have a motivation switch?

I remember a commercial that used to say, “Where is your motivation switch?


This study is like a scientific clarification of the existence of the motivation switch.


The more you exercise, the more you want to exercise.

The less you exercise, the less you exercise

It is well known that there is such a cycle or flow.

However, I don’t think we have ever understood the scientific mechanism behind it.

In this study,

The more you exercise, the more IL-15, a motivating substance, increases, and the less you exercise.

This is like a scientific explanation of why the above cycle and flow occurs.


I think there are many people who want to create an exercise habit but cannot take the first step.

It goes without saying, though, that it is important to take the first step and try,

In the future, perhaps we will see a future where people take IL-15, a motivational substance, to make them take that first step.


My imagination goes further.


In addition to motivation pills, there are drugs for weight loss, hotness, increased libido, etc,

In the future, we may be able to control various feelings and bodies with a single pill or medication.


What if that is the future?

Is the motivation real? Natural? A pill? Chemical-generated?

Is that feeling of love?

I am getting even more imaginative and delusional, thinking that some people may want to confirm whether their bodies and feelings are of natural or chemical origin.


I can’t stop imagining and fantasizing, so I’ll leave it at that.


That’s all I have to say, and I have a lot of imaginations based on the story of the muscle motivation switch.


See you then



I think we live our lives pushing various switches in our bodies and minds without knowing how they work. If we could understand how they work and control them like a pill, we could imagine a lot of things, couldn’t we?




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