Research shows that brainwave characteristics make the difference between winning and losing. Imagine a future where brain waves are controlled.

【Can “Winning Athletes” be Identified by Brain Waves? Science overcomes “weakness to pressure”? Surprising truth” revealed in a fighting game】


・Study of fighting games reveals that “two brain waves” are associated with victory and defeat

・In the experiment, brain waves were measured just before the first round of a two-round fighting game, and just before the final round of a one-win-one-loss game.

The results of the experiment showed that “the increase of gamma waves in the front left side of the brain just before the first round was associated with a greater likelihood of winning throughout the match. In addition, when alpha waves increase just before the third round at the end of the match, it is easier to win the last round.

Gamma waves are associated with strategic decisions, and alpha waves with emotional control.

・If further verification is conducted, it may become possible for athletes themselves to control their brain waves to a state that makes it easier for them to win matches. There is a possibility that this technology can be applied to sports that involve whole-body exercise.

“Alpha and gamma waves can be changed to some extent through breathing, meditation, and other methods. If it becomes possible to do so, we may be able to establish a method to make a person’s mental state more resistant to pressure,” says the researcher.


These are the quotes from the article





Research shows that brain waves can make the difference between winning and losing. Imagine a future where brain waves are controlled.


These are interesting research results.


Indeed, if we examine the brain wave data of winners and losers, we may be able to determine the brain wave patterns of those who tend to win and those who tend to lose.


The tendencies of winners found in this study are,

Those who have increased gamma waves before a game and alpha waves after a win or a loss.

This is because “gamma waves are related to strategic decisions and alpha waves are related to emotional control.”

In other words, a winner is a person who has a clear strategy before the game and can control his/her mind without getting emotional when the game is on the line.


This may sound obvious, but I think it is quite important.

Perhaps it is because we have some kind of strategy or decision well in advance that we are able to deal with the game calmly at the game’s end. (They just calmly follow the strategy even in the playing field)


This study is data from e-sports, but as mentioned above, it could be applied to regular sports and other things.


The article above also says that brain waves can be controlled by breathing and meditation, but they can also be changed by music and sound waves. (Is listening to music before a match some kind of brainwave control?)


Thus, you can control your brain waves with your will, but there are also articles like the following.

【Technology to mind-control animals with electromagnetic waves is invented.】


It would be very frightening if others controlled our brain waves.

In one of the cartoons, there was a story about mind control of human beings by means of ultrasonic waves that are inaudible to the ear.


The article at the top of the page said that eventually, a method might be established to control one’s brain waves,


To take it a step further,

I thought that a method or technology might eventually be established to control one’s own brain waves without being influenced by others.


I can’t stop imagining, so I’ll leave it at that.


See you then


I thought it was interesting to hear about anatomy and how the brain is boring because no matter where you cut it, it is still a brain. In the case of gastrointestinal and cardiac anatomy, it is interesting to be able to see the structure and mechanism of the brain, such as the secretion of zeros from here, but in the case of the brain, even if the nerves and synapses are visible, the structure and mechanism are not visible at all. Really, I was reminded that the brain is still an unknown area.




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