Does touching your phone all the time make you stupid? So, does the smartphone generation make you stupid? It can’t be.

【When it’s in my hand, I look at it once every six minutes… Three effective ways to help my child resist the temptation to look at his/her smartphone.】


・It is well known that Steve Jobs, the creator of the iPhone and iPad at Apple, did not give his children iPad

・Various studies have confirmed negative effects regarding smartphone use by young children.

・Overall, based on various guidelines, young children between the ages of 0 and 5 years old should not be used for more than 2 hours daily

・For example, if you watch only flat TV for a long time when your spatial awareness is not yet sufficient, you will not be able to develop the spatial awareness that you need to acquire.

・As for language, we have found that simply having children listen to the sound on the TV is not as effective as when parents talk to their children face to face.

Cultivate the ability to use technology in moderation, not in isolation, but at a moderate distance. Cultivate a moderate distance from technology early on. That is important.


Three effective ways to develop a good distance from your phone

1、Isolate far away when not in use.

There are even studies that show that when a smartphone is at hand and available, people look at their phones an average of once every 6 minutes. Furthermore, even when studying without a phone, the mere presence of a phone nearby reduces concentration and performance by 10-20%!

2、Using Technology Breaks

Take moderate breaks and use technology breaks that allow you to use your phone during those breaks.

3、Parents serve as role models.



These are the quotes from the article




What immerses and engages each era and generation


I also somehow tend to touch my phone for long periods of time.

Somewhere in the back of my mind, I may be thinking that prolonged smartphone use is harmful when I describe it as “touchy-feely.”

In fact, as the article above suggests, it may be harmful to children at an age when their brains are forming and their senses are being nurtured.


Sometimes, there is even a discourse that says, “If you touch your phone all the time, you will become stupid and rot your brain.”

When I hear such things, I remember the days when people used to say things like, “Watching TV all the time makes you stupid,” or “Playing video games all the time makes you stupid.”


So, here is an interesting post.



It is important for parents to pay attention to what “00 rots the brain”.

Television in the 1960s, rock music in the 1970s, video games in the 1980s, the Internet in the 1990s, and social networking in the 2000s.

They all created $10+ billion industries.

The above is the content of the post.



In fact, they have created a tremendous market.


Have the TV generation, the rock generation, the video game generation, the Internet generation, the social networking generation, all rotted their brains? Have they become stupid?


Perhaps people of each generation have not become idiots. (Though it’s hard to prove either side…)


1960s TV, 1970s rock, 1980s video games, 1990s Internet, 2000s SNS, 2010s smartphones, 2020s AI, 2030s Metaverse? (virtual reality)?


What I can say is that things that immerse and engross humans will continue to create a large market and that people will not be made stupid by them. (I’d be a little careful during infancy.)


With this in mind, the upcoming AI generation? The Metaverse generation? Let’s live well in that era as well!(What is important is not what you do with your feelings of immersion and preoccupation, but what kind of environment, situation, and rule-making you put yourself and things in before those feelings.)


Starting with the above discussion of precautions in the use of smartphones, I have tried to make a big deal out of it.


See you then.




The feelings of immersion and preoccupation are immortal. And what immerses and engages us is also immortal. The connection between the two is strong.




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