Research Findings. How many hours a day of “standing,” “sitting,” “exercise,” and “sleep” is healthy? Ogata’s focus points.

【How many hours a day of “standing,” “sitting,” “exercise,” and “sleep” is healthy?】


・A Swinburne University of Technology research team has developed a new method for determining how many hours a day should be spent standing, sitting, exercising, and sleeping.

・The team attached sensors that can measure physical activity and blood glucose levels to 2,338 subjects between the ages of 40 and 75, and measured the amount of time they spent standing, sitting, sleeping, exercising lightly, and exercising moderately over a seven-day period, as well as the changes in their blood glucose levels.

Based on the measurement results, the time spent in activities that minimize the risk of heart disease and stroke was calculated, and the healthiest combination was found to be “sleep: 8.3 hours,” “sitting: 6 hours,” “standing: 5.2 hours,” “moderate exercise: 2.2 hours,” and “light exercise: 2.2 hours.

・Light exercise” includes walking to the bathroom, walking to the water cooler, and walking at a pace of less than 100 steps per minute.

・Moderate exercise” includes ”walking at a pace of more than 100 steps per minute.


The above is a quote from the article






Healthy times and standards for “standing,” “sitting,” “exercise,” and “sleep.” My focus points.


Standing, sitting, exercise, sleep,

We have written health blogs about these in the past, but here is another new study that has come out.


The study says that the healthiest combination of hours of activity with the smallest risk of heart disease and stroke is: sleep: 8.3 hours, sitting: 6 hours, standing: 5.2 hours, moderate exercise: 2.2 hours, and light exercise: 2.2 hours.


Of course, this is a statistical trend. However, I think it can be considered as one standard.


By the way, I sit more than 6 hours a day, with room to spare, and I don’t think I stand for 5.2 hours.


【Too Much Sitting” Causes Mental and Physical Illness ‘Preventing Quality Disease’ and ‘Increasing Engagement’ Achieved by Taking a Break Every 30 Minutes】


As can be seen from the graph here, due to technological innovation and changes in the living environment (mechanization and automation), sedentary time has been increasing year by year. On the other hand, the amount of activity has halved over the past 50 to 60 years.


The average life expectancy of Japanese people continues to increase, but given these changes in the living environment, it is unclear whether it will continue to increase in the future. (In fact, the rate of increase has been slowing down, and this makes healthy life expectancy even more worrisome.


As noted in the article above and in this article,

It seems to be effective and recommended to regularly interrupt sedentary work to do light exercise.

In the article above, “walk for 3-5 minutes every hour”,

This article recommends “light activity every 20-30 minutes (squatting, standing on tiptoes, going to make coffee, etc.).


To put it the other way around,

The harms and risks of prolonged sitting do not seem to be reduced by exercising collectively on weekends.


This is a pretty important point.


In my case, I thought I was keeping fit by jogging or doing strength training at the end of the day after a long sitting workout, but that may not have been the case. ^^;


Health is the accumulation of one day at a time, but more to the point,

Maybe health is an accumulation of hour by hour. (At least stop sitting down every hour and be active)


It may be difficult to make every hour of your life a health standard, as in the study above, but just being aware of this area may make a big difference.


See you then


I really need to stop sitting down and be active while I’m writing this blog. I have to be careful.






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