Many studies that “there may be no aliens.” What I think about common sense.

【A planet where life may exist, maybe there are no aliens after all.】


A red dwarf star, believed by many astronomers to be capable of sustaining life, is a star with a low temperature. Although a low-temperature star, it was found to frequently emit deadly ultraviolet radiation flares.

・Red dwarfs make up about 75% of the stars known as “Milky Way stars.

・Some astrobiologists hypothesize that if there is alien life in the universe, most of it is likely to be planets in red dwarf systems.

・It is estimated that up to 4.5 billion habitable planets in our galaxy alone could be orbiting small stars.

However, a 2013 study concluded that many exoplanets near red dwarfs, where life could theoretically thrive, are exposed to deadly solar winds.

∙ A 2016 study also found that many planets in the star’s habitable zone are actually too hot for life to survive

・Although new research is increasingly ruling out planets that had the potential for life, a list published in 2020 introduces 24 exoplanets that may be even better suited to support life than Earth


The above is a quote from the article





Common sense is important, but it is also important not to get too caught up in common sense.


The other day I read the “Ami the Little Spaceman” series of books for a long time. (It is also the origin of the name of this blog.) These books tell the story of Ami, an alien, and her journey through the universe, teaching the importance of love.

It was also after reading such a book,

I also observed the Perseid meteor shower while lost in various thoughts. I was able to see many large shooting stars. Did you observe it?


【Tonight, the Perseid meteor shower is at its maximum, about 40 meteors per hour.】


The peak was at dawn on the 13th, but I believe it is still observable. You can observe it tonight if you like.


I am like this,

I am convinced that there are definitely aliens somewhere in the infinite universe.

According to the above article,

According to the article above, there were several areas that were thought to have a high possibility of extraterrestrial life, but the solar flares in those areas were much stronger than expected, and the possibility of extraterrestrial life has disappeared.


But this is talking on the assumption that extraterrestrial life ≒ terrestrial humans (life on Earth), right?


To take it to the extreme,

I would not be surprised if there is extraterrestrial life that can live in fire, in water, in minerals, and in other environments that I cannot imagine. (I’ve read similar things in the Alien Amis book.)

In the seemingly infinite expanse of the universe, common sense on earth is like a grain of sand.


And common sense is something that is updated and changes.

Common sense is only what it has always been.


Incidentally, the book I am reading right now is “Kant in a Nutshell.


The following words of the philosopher Kant may resonate with people today.

“The stories of those who are obsessed with common sense are full of generalities and unheard knowledge.” Before you know it, the conversation is stuck in the realm of the merely fantastic.”


I feel that Kant’s words, which suggest that if we continue to talk within the bounds of common sense, we will get stuck in strange territory, also apply to the above-mentioned story of extraterrestrial life.


Of course, common sense is important. However, it is also important not to get too caught up in common sense.

This time, I gleefully pointed out that we are “too caught up in common sense” when it comes to extraterrestrial life,

But I also think that I have to be careful not to be so in other areas as well.


Are you okay with your relationship with common sense?


See you then


I do not think it is surprising that a major shift in common sense could occur at any time, about the time when the heavenly motion theory became the earthly motion theory. Common sense is that fluffy and changeable.














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