Brain scientist talks about the critical difference between lucky and unlucky people.

【The same event happened, but there is a definite difference in “beliefs” between “lucky people” and “unlucky people” (explained by a brain scientist).】


People who are lucky think that they are lucky.

・For example, let’s say you didn’t get a good contract at work. For example, a person who thinks he or she is lucky may think, “I am lucky, but I didn’t get the contract. This may mean that he/she made a mistake in the preparation stage. On the other hand, a person who thinks he or she is unlucky may think, “I am lucky, but I didn’t get the contract. On the other hand, those who think they are unlucky think, “I am trying so hard, but I couldn’t get the contract because I was unlucky.

People who think they are lucky will have room for effort, but people who think they are unlucky will not have that room.

・In relationships between couples, lovers, etc., people who think they are lucky think, “I am lucky to be with this person because I am lucky. Even if they have a quarrel, they may think that there was something wrong with them.
However, those who think they are unlucky think, “I am trying so hard, but the other person doesn’t understand me.
I am unlucky to have chosen such a person.

In fact, the events encountered by those who think they are lucky and those who think they are unlucky are often similar. However, the way they perceive and think about the event is different. They also have different ways of coping with them. If you accumulate a lot of years of experience, the results will naturally vary greatly.

Lucky people have a positive self-image (they think they can do it, that they will be fine).

A positive self-image does not require any special evidence. You don’t need any special evidence for a positive image. All you need is a baseless confidence.
This increases the probability of a successful project (as proven by experiments).


The above is a quote from the article






I recommend “I am lucky”

If you have ever read a book by Kazuto Saito, a Japanese businessman who has repeatedly ranked first on the national list of highest taxpayers, you know that

Saito’s habit is to say, “I’m lucky. And he encourages everyone to say that word all the time.

In Tomabechi Hideto’s book on cognitive neuroscience, he also says that it is very important what kind of words you say on a daily basis (affirmations, presence, etc.). (Affirmations, presence, etc.)


Because of this influence, I have been trying to say or think “lucky” as much as possible for some time now.


Of course, the two of you have had an influence on me, but I also try to say or think “lucky” as a result of thinking, chewing, and absorbing things in my own way,

I was very moved by the above article because I felt it verbalized a part of what I thought in my own way. And the quote is long.^^;


As the article states,

I’ve seen the same phenomenon happen to people who are lucky and people who are unlucky,

However, the way people who think they are lucky and those who think they are unlucky perceive that same phenomenon is totally different.

The difference in how they perceive the phenomenon results in the formation of people who are, in a real sense, lucky and people who are unlucky.


In the article,

you describe it as, “For those who think they are lucky, room for effort is created, but for those who think they are unlucky, no such room is created.”


Let me put it a different way,

It could be said that people who think they are unlucky are more likely to create excuses or escape routes for their bad luck.

It may be a bit like blaming the environment or the times for things that go wrong.

If we find the cause or responsibility for things going wrong outside of ourselves, it is natural that our ability to reflect on ourselves and grow will be weakened. (It stands to reason that it is wiser to focus on yourself, the person you can change, than on the environment and times you cannot change.)


Think of it this way,


・People who think they are lucky are those who can focus on themselves (as a result, they are lucky).

・People who think they are unlucky are those who focus on others (as a result, they are unlucky).

Perhaps we can summarize it this way.

Yeah, I feel like I’m being quite self-congratulatory in my writing, but as for me, I feel very refreshed. ^^


Of course, to say or think “I’m lucky” or “I’m lucky”,

There may be spiritual benefits such as the law of attraction, but it is difficult to prove that, so I personally prefer logical explanations, such as the one I mentioned above, and it makes more sense to me.


Also, simply,

People who say or think, “I’m lucky” or “I’m unlucky.”

Which person would you want to be friends with?


I feel like that reason alone is a sufficient explanation for recommending “lucky”.



I highly recommend saying or thinking “I am lucky” or “I am lucky.”

See you then



A long time ago, when I turned 39, I used to say, “I want to make it a year of THANK YOU” (same pronunciation as in Japanese). But when I heard one of my friends say, “Triple blessing,” (the same pronunciation in Japanese, but with a different meaning), I was absolutely mortified. I wondered how people could perceive the world so differently. The world depends on how we perceive it, really.






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