The birth of AI newscasters. Let’s seriously envision a future (world) where AI will do the jobs humans do today.

【Kuwait’s First AI Newscaster in the Country】


Kuwait News, Kuwait’s news organization, has launched Fedha, the country’s first AI (artificial intelligence) newscast.

・Fedha’s blonde hair and light eye color reflect the racial diversity of Kuwait, a rich oil-producing country, they say.

・AI newscasters are first in Kuwait, but were created in China in 2018

AI could replace 300 million full-time jobs, according to a report released last month by investment bank Goldman Sachs. That suggests that the technology could account for more than a quarter of future U.S. and European jobs



The above is a quote from the article




Let’s seriously envision a future where AI does the jobs humans do today.


First, please see the actual AI newscaster “Fedha”.



I don’t feel particularly uncomfortable.


In a recent blog, I talked about AI being hired as a political advisor, and this time it is a newscaster. Indeed, it is likely that more and more AIs will be born and appear in the future to work in place of humans.


The reason for so many AI stories on my blog is simply interest, of course,

And because we believe that the world is about to be transformed by AI, and that it is better to keep abreast of critical information related to such things.


As mentioned in the article above, I believe that many human jobs will be replaced by AI in the not too distant future. So, how to survive there? Or rather, what will survive?


【If you don’t want to fight the ChatGPT, avoid the median battlefield and fight the outlier battlefield.】

If you are doing a job that outputs information in the middle of a normal distribution (median), you are likely to lose your job to a machine like ChatGPT (consultant, medical diagnostics, lawyer, accountant, etc.)

Outliers are what will be required of people in the future. (music, art, literature, architecture, cuisine, fashion, etc.)

In the future, the “correct answer” that corresponds to the median is of no value, and a person’s unique “way out of the correct answer” is required.

・Based on these assumptions, a major challenge will be to alter the current education and examination systems, which are thoroughly inculcating the value system that “those who can give the right answer are great.


These are the quotes from the blog.


I too think that Shu Yamaguchi’s content in this blog post is very true.


My own interpretation,

Median can be derived by tracing the past (data)

Outliers cannot be derived by tracing the past (data)

Perhaps we could put it this way.


I guess creativity and originality are important.


Also, I think,


I believe that even if current human jobs are replaced by AI, the amount of work to be done by humans (total amount of work) will not change much from what it is today.

The reason for this is that I believe that even if AI replaces them, new human jobs will be created separately for them.


In the era of horse-drawn carriages, when automobiles began to spread, people in the horse-drawn carriage industry lost their jobs, but instead, many jobs derived from automobiles were created, weren’t they? Similarly, when AI becomes widespread, I expect that there will be many human jobs derived from AI (in cooperation with AI).(For example, a job managing and operating an AI?)


Therefore, it is important to be aware of the median, outliers, creativity, and originality, and to make efforts to avoid being replaced by AI, but even if you are replaced, I think it is better to keep your antenna up to date on AI-related information in order to be agile in catching the trends derived from AI.


In fact, I am also thinking about what I can do to avoid being displaced by AI composition, and at the same time, how I can integrate AI technology into my own musical activities.


The work I am doing now. And what are the median and outliers for me? What is creativity and originality? What could you and AI do together? And so on… Let’s think about it!


See you then.

Do you feel uneasy about these technologies? Do you feel a sense of anticipation? At this point, the future may be different for those of us who are scared and those of us who are excited.






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