Income inequality due to labor automation. What is Labor? What is a Japanese worker? Thinking about
【Automation Causes Income Inequality; MIT Releases Study】
・MIT University releases study showing that one of the main reasons for the increase in income inequality in the U.S. since 1980 is the replacement of less-educated workers by automation.
・He said it is clear that robots are replacing a significant number of workers, promoting industrial domination by some companies and encouraging inequality.
・Estimated that automation reduced wages by 8.8% for men who did not graduate from high school and 2.3% for women
【Japanese managers are being eliminated through automation by AI. The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry’s “Vision for the Future of Human Resources” shows the polarization of the labor market.】
・Japan has an outstandingly low percentage of respondents who would like to continue working at their current employer at only 52 percent (other countries are at 60 percent or higher)
・However, this does not mean that they intend to change jobs or start their own business (25% of those who intend to change jobs and 16% of those who intend to start their own business).
・Such an inward-looking movement of human resources, who do not change jobs and do not improve their skills, is making human resources less and less competitive on the international stage.
・In both the U.S. and Japan, the automation of work is polarizing the labor market.
・In the US, the jobs that are being replaced the most by AI (automation) are mainly factory lines, office work, and simply selling. (The same signs are emerging in Japan.)
・One point that is totally different is that management jobs that should not have been eliminated in the U.S. are gradually being eliminated in Japan.
・Is there a difference between the work done by those who are considered managers in the U.S. and the work done by those who are named managers in Japan?
These are the quotes from the article
The good and bad of labor automation. What is labor? What is a Japanese worker? Think about the following.
I found it interesting in many ways, and the quote is long.
The polarization of the labor market (income disparity) due to automation (AI) is becoming an issue.
It is true that once a job is automated by AI, people will not bother to ask humans to do it.
As a result, more people lose their jobs, creating income inequality.
There has always been talk of “AI will take our jobs,” but if you change your mindset, however, you can say that AI will do our jobs instead of humans.
In extreme cases, if AI (automation) comes to do many jobs, humans will no longer need to work.
We call it the “post-labor world“. (see article below)
【Will the day ever come when humans will be freed from labor? American Millennials Support “Left Accelerationism”】
Of course, there are many things that need to be systematically developed and resolved in order to achieve a post-labor world, such as work ethic issues and basic income.
I don’t know how many years into the future a post-labor world will be realized, but I’m longing for a world free from labor.^^
In the age of the horse-drawn carriage, when the car was introduced, carriage builders protested vehemently, “We’re going to lose our jobs! Whenever new things or systems are introduced, there is always the pain of change. However, no matter how much change and innovation occur, I believe that the role of human beings will be given in some form or another in the end. The same is true in this case of automation (AI).
From that perspective, I would also like to watch the changes in the labor market due to automation (AI). (Positive, not negative)
Also, in the above article, I was very, very struck by the fact that Japanese managers are being eliminated by AI, even though that is not the case in the US.
Is there a difference in the content of managerial jobs between the U.S. and Japan? Or, are Japanese managers’ jobs so different from their American counterparts that they can be replaced by AI? I also wonder if Japanese managerial jobs are good enough to be replaced by AI.
We also hear about “Japanese workers who don’t want to be in management positions,” but could it be that “Japanese managers who don’t want to be in management positions” = “jobs that will be eliminated by AI”?^^;
In the article above, you state that, data-wise, Japanese workers are not willing to change jobs or start their own businesses,
Considering them,
Japanese workers do not make horizontal moves such as changing jobs or starting their own businesses, nor do they make vertical moves such as becoming managers or moving up the ladder.
It is stagnation, the very thing that refuses to move either horizontally or vertically.^^;
It seems that this area is also the cause of Japan’s stagnation.
Recently, we have seen a lot of news about mass layoffs of employees at large companies such as Twitter and Meta (Facebook).
I may feel sorry for those who were laid off, but considering the mobility of workers, the ease of securing human resources in new industries, and the revitalization of new industries, I think I can understand why the U.S. economy and business are so vibrant and new companies and services are springing up one after another.
Yes, yes,
Eikichi Yazawa once famously said, “Find the right job, that’s your talent.”
After all, you have to try things out and experience things to find what works for you.
When I think about it,
It makes me wonder if many Japanese, who are not moving either horizontally or vertically, may not be able to demonstrate their talents, perhaps because they have not been able to try anything.
These are just a few of the many thoughts from the story of an automated (AI) labor market.
My thoughts have been overflowing with many things and it has become long-winded. My apologies.
See you then.
I would like to eliminate all kinds of stumbling blocks and move more and more freely. I want to be able to show my talents.