Why is the sense of happiness at work among Japanese workers so low?

【Why is the sense of happiness at work in Japan so low? International Comparison Study Released.
Finds that organizational culture in Japanese companies lowers the sense of happiness at work.】


・Survey of Employment Status and Growth Attitudes in Major Cities in 18 Countries and Regions around the World, Including Europe and the Americas, Finds that Japan’s Sense of Happiness at Work is Lower than that of Other Countries

Factor ①「Compared to other countries and regions, “authoritarianism” and “avoidance of responsibility” are relatively strong, and “mutual respect in the workplace” is weak, leading to a lower sense of happiness at work.」Authoritarianism and avoidance of responsibility” tended to be relatively high, with respondents saying, “I will follow the decisions of upper management for the time being” and “Things are decided by laying the groundwork in advance.

Factor ②「Japanese workers are the second least “tolerant” of 18 countries/regions, with a marked tendency to not actively engage with others who are different, a factor that contributes to a low level of organizational culture of mutual respect in the workplace.」Countries/regions with more tolerant workers (non-exclusiveness toward others who are different) have a higher sense of happiness at work.

Factor ③「Compared to other countries, Japan’s investment in learning tends not to lead to an increase in work and work options.」In Japan, where cross-company occupational awareness is weak and skills are developed internally within the organization, mainly through on-the-job training rather than job-based training, learning and self-development outside of work is not likely to lead to an increase in work options.



The above is a quote from the article




Higher sense of happiness at work = higher self-determination (self-determination factor)?


Authoritarianism, avoidance of responsibility, low tolerance, and a willingness to learn (self-investment) that is difficult to improve

These factors have led to a low sense of happiness at work in Japan, according to the report.


It is just me who feels like “The Japan”! Is it just me, or does it feel like “Japan!


How is your sense of happiness at work? High? Low?

And what is your workplace like? Authoritative? Tolerant?


I remember writing the following blog before.


【Google found the characteristics of a “results-driven team” over a four-year period.】


「A team that can produce results is one that has a sense of security (psychological safety) where people can talk innocently about anything and everything, and where there is no one on the team who will dismiss out of hand, assume it is trivial, or speak sarcastically when you mention something that comes to mind. In other words, a relationship where you can say whatever you want, even if you disagree.


Google derived the characteristics of teams that can achieve this result. It seems almost the opposite of the Japanese characteristics mentioned above, doesn’t it?^^;

Of course, the sense of happiness working for a team that Google says can deliver results is likely to be high.


Also, I thought,


Psychologically, it has been shown that the level of self-determination (self-determination factor) is proportional to the level of happiness in one’s life.

It means that the more you have made your own decisions, and the more you can decide for yourself, the happier you are.


It may be said that the Japanese work environment has low self-determination (self-determination factor) → low sense of happiness in working in Japan.


It may be that Japanese society, organizations, and soil make the self-determination (factor) of Japanese workers low, but it can also be said that such society, organizations, and soil exist because they are made up of people with low self-determination.

Everything is interrelated.(Social Organization⇄Human)


So when one changes, the other changes.


But we cannot wait for society and organizations to change.

After all, it is the individual person who must change.


So, in order to be happy, to increase your sense of happiness at work, be aware of the above and increase your self-determination (self-determination factor), both publicly and privately.


Did I develop too many stories?^^;


See you then.



I have my own opinion, but I believe that Japanese people are imbued with a “mindset of giving up,” as in, “It’s impossible anyway,” or “It’s not going to happen anyway.I believe that changing this mindset is what will fundamentally save Japan. It also links to what I said above.






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