Learn about color visibility in the dark. Is it important to use different colors during the day and at night?

【Theater seats, why so many “red” seats?】


The structure of the human eye is very different in the way it processes vision during the day and at night. In a dark space, i.e., an environment with few light sources, red light is the first of the seven colors (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet) to disappear from human vision. When the lights are turned off before the movie and the place is darkened, the red color of the seats quickly disappears from view, so that when the movie starts playing, the audience is not disturbed by anything other than the movie and their gaze is immediately more focused on the movie

In daylight, human vision is most sensitive to yellow (raincoats and caution signs), whereas in darkness it is least sensitive to red

・By the way, the best place to watch a movie is to sit slightly off-center to avoid eye strain from direct light. (Also recommended for acoustics.) And seats about 3/2 way back are best.


These are the quotes from the article




Learning about color visibility in the dark. Is it important to use different colors during the day and at night?


Insensitive to red in the dark. Sensitive to yellow in daylight.


I see what you mean. Sure, I guess it’s just a matter of what’s around us.


The way we see color changes so much between day and night (bright and dark).


【What Color Clothes Are Most Visible from a Distance at Night?” Overseas Reactions】


Image borrowed from the site.


Black: not visible
Blue: 17m
Red: 24m
Yellow: 37m
White: 55m
Green: 130m


At this site, is green the most visible in the dark, even more so than yellow? I guess it’s like fluorescent green. Yes, you might see such work clothes and signs.




Related to the story of darkness and color, I also found this site.↓


【Summary of 20 prominent sign color combinations! What colors stand out at night?】


Color combinations that stand out during the day (background color x text color)

  • Red×White
  • Red×Yellow
  • Red×Blue Green
  • Blue×White
  • Orange×Blue
  • Blue×Orange
  • Green×Red-Violet
  • Black×Red
  • Black×Yellow
  • Black×White


Color combinations that stand out at night

  • Red×White
  • Red×Yellow
  • Red×Blue Green
  • Orange×White
  • Yellow×Blue-Violet
  • Yellow×Black
  • Light Blue×Vermilion
  • Light Blue×Black
  • Yellow-green & Purple
  • Yellow-Green×Pink


For a moment, I wondered why red was on the list of colors that stand out in the dark, but since the sign is luminous, this must be a different concept. (And the above is not about luminescence, just color.)




That’s all for now,

What about darkness and color, heh, in that vein, I did some research.


I learned again that it is also important to be aware of day and night (situations) when choosing colors for the clothes you wear, signs, cars, etc.


See you then.



It may be important to use different colors for different lifestyles, such as nocturnal and diurnal. (In terms of conspicuous and inconspicuous)




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