Tagged: AI model


AI models are in full swing. I am a composer who is a little freaked out by the possibilities ahead.

【Fed up with human models? Spanish Agency Creates “AI Influencers” Earning $1.6 Million a Month】 https://www.businessinsider.jp/post-278977 【Between Fiction and Reality; AI-Generated Models Become Popular】 https://www.gizmodo.jp/2023/11/ai-generated-model-in-spain.html     ・”Aitana López” is an AI (artificial intelligence)...


Google Announces MusicLM, an AI Model to Generate Music from Text

【Google Announces MusicLM, a Text-to-Music Generator, but Will Not Release It】 https://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/2301/28/news056.html   ・Google Announces AI Model “MusicLM casts the conditional music generation process as a hierarchical inter-array modeling task, generating 24 kHz music...