Tagged: olympic


Generating AI Assistants to Sports Tactics. Power of the State = Power of AI = Power of Sports?

【Soccer Generative AI Assistant for Tactics, Google Deep Mind】 https://www.technologyreview.jp/s/331910/google-deepminds-new-ai-assistant-helps-elite-soccer-coaches-get-even-better/   ・A new artificial intelligence (AI) assistant developed by Google DeepMind suggests better set-piece tactics than those devised by professional soccer coaches. ・Called TacticAI,...


Drawing a line between the arrest of a related party and its impact on the work, based on the arrest of Chairman Kadokawa.

【Arrest of Tsuguhiko Kadokawa may affect future film production…. “There is a possibility that some sponsors will refrain from investing in the film”, said an official.】 https://hochi.news/articles/20220914-OHT1T51266.html?page=1   ・Haruyuki Takahashi, a former director of...