Turn off your phone once a week. U.S. National Security Agency recommended security measures.

【Turn off your phone once a week. U.S. National Security Agency recommended security measures.】


・The National Security Agency (NSA), the intelligence arm of the U.S. Department of Defense, has released a guide for the safe and secure use of mobile devices. Recommendation to turn off the power once a week

Turn off and reboot your mobile device once a week. Doing so will help reduce the risk of zero-click attacks and malware that aim to collect personal information.

<Other security measures recommended by the NSA>

・Do not connect to public Wi-Fi

・Turn off Bluetooth when not in use.

・Do not download unnecessary or unofficial applications.

・Update software appropriately.

・Consider biometrics

・Turn off location data if it is not needed.

・Do not send sensitive information (e.g., personal information) via email or text.

・Don’t follow attachments or links in emails you don’t know.

・Use the provided charging cable or a cable from a reputable manufacturer.

etcetera, etcetera


The above is a quote from the article





The world is networked. That’s why individual measures are necessary.


Are you taking all the necessary security measures for your smartphone?


As mentioned above, many people are careful not to open suspicious email attachments, not to touch suspicious ads or apps, and so on. I take the same precautions.

However, I had never heard of the measure of turning off the power once a week.


It is true that when a computer is malfunctioning, turning it off and restarting it often brings it back to normal.

A cell phone is also like a small computer, so turning it off and restarting it may sometimes bring it back to normal. (From a computer’s point of view, a smartphone that is left turned on 24/7 is also in trouble ^^;)


We can access information from all over the world through our smartphones.

Conversely, it can also be said that our smartphones can be accessed from all over the world.


There are limits to what we can do as individuals, but we should do what we can.


I think it would be easy to take the measure of turning off the power once a week.


Have a good smartphone life.



It may be better not to talk about important things near your phone, as there are cases of eavesdropping through your phone. (This is just a case of your phone being hijacked.)




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